Saturday, August 30, 2008

Uncle Natey is home!

Yeah! Uncle Natey is finally home. Over the past two years that he has been gone on his mission in Micronesia, he has achieved Rock Star status with all of his nieces and nephews. Uncle Natey is the only one left that is not married so he still loves playing and roughhousing with the kids and they sure have missed that. Yesterday, he came home and there was quite a party at the airport waiting for him. He came home to three new nieces and nephews that he had never met before. Danyn, Thatcher, and Spencer, below...

Henry has been so excited that for the last week every morning when he wakes up we asks "Is TODAY the day that Uncle Natey will be home?" Nate served most of his mission on the island of Chuuk (which we pronounced incorrectly as "Chook"). In his prayers Henry has said every night "Please bless Uncle Natie on his mission in Chook." So when we were in the car yesterday on the way to the airport Henry says, "I sure can't wait to see Uncle Natie and Chuck when they get home." Apparently Henry though Chook was a person this whole time and expected him to come home with Nate yesterday. It cracked us up.

The kids were all decked out in the "Chookese attire" yesterday in honor of Uncle Natey. I think now that the kids have the island wear, we need to make good use of it and head to Hawaii soon!

Welcome Home Nate, we have missed you and we are so glad to have you back.


Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan said...

As the only single Auntie in my family (or anywhere in the world, for that matter), this post touched my heart. How fun for him to come home to all the newbies! :) One question - why did all the signs say Uncle Matey? I thought he was Natey? I'm confused.

Buffy Clark said...

Wow...he has changed!!! With the wieght loss and the buzzed hair, he looks totally different. Glad he is home!

Debra said...

I've never had the experience of being at the airport when a missionary comes home. You captured the excitement very well and I love the thumbs up Henry is giving.